Applications # DB-24-04402 and # RD-24-04428 by Hallandale Hotel Holdings LLC, requesting Major Development Plan approval and Redevelopment Area Modifications (RAMs) in order to construct a 15-story hotel with 246 keys at the property located at 804 S. Federal Highway.
The applications filed with the City are as follows:
1. Application # DB-24-04402 for Major Development Review approval pursuant to Section 32-782 of the Zoning and Land Development Code in order to construct the 246-unit hotel.
2. Application # RD-24-04428 requesting Redevelopment Area Modifications (RAMs) from the following code provisions:
a) Table 32-195(a)(A) RAC Corridor, Building Placement, relative to the required street setback on secondary streets.
b) Table 32-195(a)(B) RAC Corridor, Building Placement, relative to the required street setback above the 5th floor.
c) Table 32-195(a)(D) RAC Corridor, Building Placement, relative to the minimum side (south) setback required above the 5th floor.
d) Table 3...